Matthew 25:35-40

"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you?  When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’


The mission of the Hope Fund is to meet the essential needs of the Grace Church Cary community. 

The Hope Fund is a financial assistance fund for families or individuals. 

It is intended to be a temporary help during a time of crisis.

Policies and Guidelines

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    • The Hope Fund Committee, under the oversight of the Administrative Council and the Pastors, shall have responsibility for overseeing the administration of the Hope Fund and the stewardship of the money held therein.
    • The anonymity of anyone requesting assistance will be preserved with the exception of the Pastors, and the necessary members of the Hope Fund Committee. Exceptions may apply if there are concerns beyond finances.
    • The Hope Fund Committee shall determine who will receive disbursements from the Hope Fund, in what amount, and for what duration (if applicable). The Hope Fund Committee shall give an accounting on request to the Administrative Council of all contributions to and disbursements from the Hope Fund.
    • The Hope Fund receives income from the receipt of special contributions by individuals and/or families wishing to make a donation to the Fund.
    • All gifts to the Hope Fund must be unconditional and without personal benefit to the donor.
    • Contributions to the Hope Fund may not be earmarked or otherwise designated for particular purposes or recipients.
    • Donors making contributions to the Hope Fund subject to these conditions may be able to deduct their contributions if they itemize deductions on the federal income tax return. The leadership of Grace Church Cary recommends that donors consult their tax advisor or CPA concerning the appropriate tax treatment of contributions they make to the Fund.
  • The stated purpose of the Hope Fund is to minister to individuals or families during a time of hardship or crisis by temporarily assisting them with their basic needs.

    Depending on the circumstances and if the request is for $500 or greater, assistance will also include financial counseling, training in household budgeting and/or debt management, or other financial education that would help the individual or family avoid potential hardships or crises in the future.

    Generally, assistance from the Hope Fund is intended to cover an individual’s or family’s basic needs. The Hope Fund is not designed or funded to support multiple requests from a single individual or family. More than one annual request, or multiple requests over time, will be considered at the discretion of the Leadership.

  • The Hope Fund is intended as a source of last resort, to be used when the individual or family requesting assistance has explored all other possibilities of assistance from appropriate sources (i.e., family, savings, investments, etc). It is intended to be a means of assistance during the time of a crisis or other hardship.

    Disbursements from the Hope Fund may not be made in the form of a loan.

    Those requesting assistance must be willing to receive financial, family, or other appropriate Biblical counseling. The Hope Fund Committee will not provide help to anyone who, in their estimation, will have negative or irresponsible behavior reinforced by the financial assistance.

    Those requesting help must be willing to grant the Hope Fund Committee permission to follow up on any of the information provided to them. The Hope Fund Committee members will be sensitive to confidentiality issues.

    All disbursements from the Hope Fund shall be made directly to the party or entity to whom payment is due and not in the form of cash given directly to the individual or family requesting assistance (e.g., if assistance with rent or a mortgage payment is needed, payment shall be made directly to the individual or family’s landlord or mortgage holder).

  • Individuals or families seeking assistance from the Hope Fund shall follow the steps below:

    • 1.       Submit an online Application for Assistance from the Hope Fund (along with all supporting documentation).
    • 2.       Complete interview(s) and/or appropriate counseling with the Hope Fund Committee.
    • 3.       Provide all additional documents and information requested by the Hope Fund Committee.

    Review and approval of the Application, as well as communication of the amount and form of assistance, shall be done by the Hope Fund Committee at the earliest possible date.